Commissions, Committees & Advisory Bodies

This page last updated: December 18th, 2024

Thank you for your interest in Commissions, Committees & Advisory Bodies to the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors!

The Board appoints residents of Santa Cruz County to positions on more than 40 advisory bodies established to provide advice and recommendations to the Board in a variety of subject areas, as well as to a few agencies which, while note advisory to the Board of Supervisors, include representatives appointed by the Board. While some of these entities are mandated by State law, most were established by the Board to facilitate citizen involvement in government and to assist the Board in its decision-making process.

Most commission and board members are eligible to receive a $75 stipend for each public meeting attended.

To view vacant seats, please click here. If you are interested in serving on a County Advisory body, please click here to apply.

To view a Commission, Committee or Advisory Body’s own website, please click on that advisory body’s name. County Code Chapter 2.38 contains governance applicable to all advisory bodies. To view County Code sections relevant to individual advisory bodies, please click on the code sections linked below its name.

For staff contact information, please click the “Contact Information” button to the right of the desired advisory body. To send an email to the relevant staff liaison, please click on their name.

Santa Cruz County Commissions

* A specific application for appointment to the Workforce Development Board is available by clicking here.

Recently Repealed Commissions

The County of Santa Cruz has recently repealed these Commissions. The original web listings (shown above) have been preserved for informational purposes only and will be available for a limited time. Records from the repealed Commissions will be retained per the County of Santa Cruz record retainment schedule, and available upon request through either our NextRequest portal (Open Public RecordsNextRequest), or by emailing the person(s) noted in the Contact Information section of the Commission.

For questions about County of Santa Cruz Commissions, Committees, or Advisory Bodies, please email the Clerk of the Board ( or call (831) 454-2323.