2017 Employee Recognition Awards - General Government

GOLD - Shared by members of the Data Posse Team:

Back Row, Left to Right:
Steven Ryan
Nicholas Solano
Randall Hop
Nathaniel Kenville
Stefan Fish

Front Row, Left to Right:
Joshua Pastor
Daniel Rubio
Aimen Al-Refai
Stephen Kurovski

Not Pictured:
Jason Dunn

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The Data Posse Team was a collaboration between members of the Information Services Department and the Sheriff’s Office to create an app designed to assist Sheriff’s deputies with the collection and retrieval of information over their course of daily interactions out in the field. Members of this team worked together to develop a system that allows deputies to use their smartphones to scan and enter information directly into the database, resulting in better communication with the public, support for community policing efforts, and enhanced crime-solving capabilities. The Data Posse Team should be commended for their dedication to creating efficiencies, promoting process improvement, and enhancing public safety.

SILVER- Shared by members of the Monterey Bay Community Power Team:

Left To Right:
Laurel Gazza
Peter Detlefs
Gine Johnson
David Carlson

Not Pictured:
Nancy McCollum
Carol Johnson

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Monterey Bay Community Power is the result of an extraordinary five year effort to bring together 19 separate city and county jurisdictions in a joint powers agency. Monterey Bay Community Power was established in early 2017, and will provide long term, self-sustainable energy for customers using alternative power sources such as solar and wind. This team has brought significant benefits to the local and regional community, including energy cost savings, the creation of local jobs, an increase in the use of renewable energy sources, and a reduction greenhouse gas emissions.


BRONZE - Tied between Felipe Garcia, General Services Department and Jessica Renda, Auditor's Office

Felipe Garcia, General Services Department

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Felipe serves as the custodian for the Emeline Campus, which is the location of our Health and Human Services Departments. His attention to detail- from wiping window sills and the tops of cabinets to sweeping the main entrance steps and attending to every corner of every office- is essential to providing clean and welcoming offices for the many clients and community members that visit the Emeline Campus. Felipe is an outstanding employee, and his behind-the-scenes work, which is often thankless and physically demanding, is crucial to daily operations in the Health and Human Services Departments.

Jessica Renda, Auditor's Office

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Jessica works in the County Auditor’s office, and is the go-to expert for our finance system, One Solution. Jessica provides exceptional customer service to all departments in the County, whether she is bringing a new employee up to speed, or assisting a long-time user with a complex task. Jessica’s behind-the-scenes work is crucial to the accuracy of our accounting and ensures that tasks are completed correctly, including paying vendors and employees, tracking grants and revenues, and reporting to other agencies, such as State and Federal auditors. Additionally, Jessica acts as a liaison between County Information Services Department staff and our One Solution vendor staff to make sure everything runs smoothly and problems are resolved in a timely manner. Jessica’s diligence and attention to detail, combined with her ability to troubleshoot and provide great customer service, is critical to the success of our daily operations.>