Coastal Restoration and Reuse Plan


The 2010 idling of the Davenport Cement Plant impacted the Davenport community and the local economy, causing the loss of jobs, County revenues and community benefits that defrayed infrastructure costs for Davenport residents. Through the development of a Coastal Restoration and Reuse Plan and in conjunction with the community, the County is now beginning a process to envision a future for the plant and surrounding 103-acre site. Our goal is to create jobs, community benefits and tax dollars for the benefit of residents of Davenport and the larger Santa Cruz community.

The County’s consultant team, led by RRM Design Group, has released the following Draft Restoration and Reuse Plan. The Board of Supervisors will consider the plan at its Feb. 26, 2019 meeting, 701 Ocean St., Santa Cruz at 10:30 a.m.