Measure Q calls for the creation of a Vision Plan that will identify the activities and geographies that are prioritized for investment over the first five years (2025-2030). The purpose of the Vision PLan is to guide implementation of Measure Q to ensure that projects funded by the measure are best meeting the needs of the community. The Act requires that the Vision Plan is approved by the Citizens Oversight Advisory Board prior to July 1, 2025, and updated every five years thereafter. 

The Vision Plan shall identify the activities and geographies prioritized for investment throughout the County in a concise format primarily based on content derived from existing plans, such as, but not limited to:

As part of outreach and engagement associated with development of the Vision Plan, it is anticipated that stakeholders and experts in relevant fields will identify additional existing plans that should inform the Vision Plan. 

The Citizens Oversight Advisory Board will report to the Board annually on the outcomes of the projects and programs funded through the Act as well as how the Act was used to leverage other public and private funds. Annual reports by the Advisory Board may also provide suggested direction on the types of projects to prioritize in the coming year. County staff will engage with auditor to perform annual audit.

  • Here is the current RFP and RFP Addendum #1 for a consultant to lead the Vision Plan development process.
  • If interested in serving as an appointee on the Citizens Oversight Advisory Board, please submit an application (choose WWWPA/Measure Q from the drop-down menu) for County appointees. For incorporated cities, please contact your City Manager.
  • If interested in serving as the Land Stewardship Implementation Partner, please submit an application and all required materials by March 24, 2025.

Coming soon.