Projects funded through the Water and Wildfire Protection Act will enhance drinking water quality, supplies and reliability; improve watersheds, beaches and oceans; reduce wildfire risk; support wildlife and habitat protection; help steward natural and working lands; and provide for safe and accessible recreation including parks, public facilities and trails. Eligible applicants including local government agencies, nonprofits and tribes. 

Measure Q defines eligible projects in Section 4.65.010 as "a project intended to implement the goals of the Act and which meets the requirements of the Act, and includes pre-project assistance and feasibility, planning, acquisition, construction, development, improvement, restoration, rehabilitation, maintenance, stewardship, or any combination thereof."

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Examples of eligible projects include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Conservation of water supplies and groundwater recharge by enhancing watershed health or protecting land adjacent to water sources
  • Development of shaded fuel breaks, defensibile space, or reduction of hazardous fuels through forest management
  • Conservation of native biodiversity by reducing invasive species and protecting or restoring critical habitats and wildlife corridors
  • Repairing or enhancing existing parks and recreational facilities, particularly where access to nature or parks is lacking
  • Stewardship of private lands in the public benefit for fire resiliency, water quality, erosion control, or other ecosystem services
  • Development of nature-based solutions to enhance coastal flood protection and habitat resiliency

The Act prioritizes funding eligible projects that do at least one of the following:

  • Match: leverage Measure Q funds as a local match to secure competitive grant funds from public or private sources
  • Multi-benefit: support multiple benefits that maximize climate resilience and adaptation 
  • Disadvantaged communities: invest resources for stewardship, development, restoration, community development, and other improvements in disadvantaged communities. 

The Act calls for the creation of a Vision Plan that will identify the activities and geographies that are prioritized for investment over the first five years (2025-2030). The purpose of the Vision Plan is to guide implementation of Measure Q to ensure that projects funded by the measure are best meeting the needs of the community.

Once funded, projects will be listed below by funding year below:

We look forward to sharing information about selected projects here.
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We look forward to sharing information about selected projects here.
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