Measure Q generates $7 million annually and is used to projects that provide measurable public benefits. Priority is given to projects that leverage matching funds, provide multiple environmental and community benefits, and address the needs of disadvantaged communities. This comprehensive approach helps maximize the initiative’s impact and supports the long-term sustainability of Santa Cruz County. Funding will be divided into the following categories:

Forty percent will be allocated to eligible applicants (public agencies, nonprofits, or tribes) through a grants programs overseen by the Citizens Oversight Advisory Board. Of these funds, no less that $600,000 will be allocated to the San Vicente Redwoods and no less than $600,000 will be allocated to eligible projects within the Pajaro Valley.

Twenty percent will be allocated to the four local cities for eligible projects within their jurisdiction. The funds will be allocated on a per capita basis, but no city will receive less than $200,000.

Twenty percent will be allocated to the County of Santa Cruz for eligible projects in the unincorporated parts of the County.

Twenty percent will be allocated equally to the Resource Conservation District of Santa Cruz County and a local land stewardship partner to be selected at a later date by the Citizens Oversight Advisory Board based on requirements outlined in the Act.

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To further Measure Q’s goals of protecting the environment, enhancing community resilience, and improving quality of life in Santa Cruz County. Eligible projects include those focused on:

Protecting and conserving local water supplies, including rivers, creeks, and groundwater.

Improving water quality by reducing soil erosion, restoring wetlands and riparian areas, and enhancing watershed health.

Implementing flood protection measures, such as green infrastructure, to reduce the risk of neighborhood flooding.

Developing shaded fuel breaks, creating defensible spaces, and managing forests to reduce hazardous fuel loads.

Conducting controlled burns to mitigate wildfire risks and promote healthy ecosystems.

Improving fire resilience in areas vulnerable to wildfires, particularly in the wildland-urban interface.

Conserving native biodiversity by restoring critical habitats and protecting wildlife corridors.

Reducing invasive species and implementing projects to improve habitat quality.

Creating infrastructure such as wildlife bridges, culverts, and directional fencing to support safe wildlife movement.

Keeping public beaches safe, clean, and accessible.

Reducing pollution and trash in coastal areas to protect marine life and enhance visitor experiences.

Implementing solutions to address erosion and the impacts of sea-level rise.

Developing, restoring, and maintaining parks, natural areas, and public trails.

Enhancing access to recreational spaces, especially for disadvantaged communities.

Providing programs such as environmental education, after-school activities, and recreation for all age groups.

Addressing the impacts of climate change, including projects that mitigate flooding, erosion, and saltwater intrusion.

Supporting sustainable agriculture and working lands that contribute to water quality, drought resilience, and carbon sequestration.

Improving community mobility and access to nature through public transportation or expanded park services.