County Services

Manu Koenig Photo
Manu Koenig 1st District
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Zach Friend Photo
Zach Friend 2nd District
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Ryan Coonerty Photo
Ryan Coonerty 3rd District
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Greg Caput Photo
Greg Caput 4th District
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Bruce McPherson Photo
Bruce McPherson 5th District
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The Board of Supervisors governs the Santa Cruz County unincorporated area and is the executive and legislative governing body of the County of Santa Cruz. The Board directs overall operations of the various County departments and districts by establishing policies and approving the budgets and financing for all of County government and certain special districts.  The current Chair of the Board of Supervisors is Zach Friend (2nd District), who serves beside Manu Koenig (1st District), Justin Cummings (3rd District), Felipe Hernandez (4th District) and Bruce McPherson (5th District).

The County provides a broad spectrum of services, principally State and federal services. In unincorporated areas outside of the four city jurisdictions, extensive municipal services are also provided. A non-exhaustive list is provided below.

County-wide Services

  • Health and Welfare
  • Adult and Juvenile Detention
  • District Attorney and Public Defender
  • Elections
  • Records
  • Local Tax Collection
  • Agricultural safety

Unincorporated Municipal Services

  • Road and Bridge Maintenance
  • Police Protection
  • Parks Services
  • Animal Services
  • Zoning and Planning
  • Building Permits and Inspection

Enter an address above to learn if it is located within a city or unincorporated County.