In 2019, the California Legislature enacted the FAIR MAPS Act (AB 849), which among other things, specified that boards of supervisors in each county and their appointed advisory redistricting commissions shall take steps to encourage residents, including those in underrepresented and non-English speaking communities, to participate in the redistricting public review process. These good-faith efforts are as follows:
- Provide information about the redistricting process and activities to media organizations,
- Provide the same to good government, civil rights, civic engagement, and community organizations, including those active in language minority communities,
- Establish and maintain and internet webpage dedicated to redistricting for at least ten years after the adoption of new supervisorial district boundaries.
Our site includes, or provides a link to, all the following: a general explanation of the redistricting process, toolkits and background information, procedures and opportunities for the public to give public testimony, a calendar of all activities including public workshops and public hearings (and records of all), and all draft maps that will be considered at public hearings.
To meet the FAIR MAPS Act standards to broadly engage the public prior to the adoption of new supervisor district boundaries, our county’s Advisory Redistricting Commission (ARC21) has approved four public workshops. The first all-county workshop will give general information about redistricting, communities of interest, and provide available Census data, and it is followed by three regional workshops for residents of the north, mid, and south county areas.
As plans and maps are developed by members of the public, ARC21, and the Board, they will be posted on the website and the County will move into the public hearing phase, likely to begin in late October, also in a hybrid format. Details of location, times, and links for online participation will be provided at the Public Hearings page on this website.
For more information on dates, locations, and agendas for public workshops, click here.
For a printable informational flyer on public workshops, click here.