Santa Cruz County Advisory Redistricting Commission (ARC 21)

The County of Santa Cruz has had redistricting task forces to produce various plans and maps for Board of Supervisor’s consideration and eventual adoption for the past three redistricting efforts in 1991, 2001, and 2011.  With the passage of the Fair Maps Act and other state legislation, there were some changes in state law as to the membership and responsibilities of the various types of redistricting commissions.   

The Board of Supervisors chose to establish an Advisory Redistricting Commission with passage of Resolution No. 27-2021 on February 23, 2021. Per Election Code Section 23001 a local jurisdiction may establish an advisory redistricting commission composed of residents to recommend changes in district boundaries to be consider by the Board in its approval of updated boundaries.  Part and parcel to those changes are robust requirements for community engagement and communications about the Redistricting Process and how the public can participate.   

As an appointed County Commission, Commission business and processes are subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act. ARC21 will be supported by staff in the County Executive Office, the County Clerk and Elections staff, Information Services and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) staff, and County Counsel.  

ARC 21 Commission members are as follows:

First District, Supervisor Manu Koenig/Cheri O’Neil
Second District, Supervisor Zach Friend/Michael Watkins
Third District, Supervisor Ryan Coonerty/Kris Reyes
Fourth District, Supervisor Greg Caput/Peter Radin
Fifth District, Supervisor Bruce McPherson/James Mosher

Find your supervisorial district here.

Check back often here as ARC 21 meetings are scheduled, and a workplan for public engagement is approved.