Commission on
Justice and Gender
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Commissions, Committees & Advisory Bodies
Commission on Justice and Gender
Foundational Documents
Gender Matters: A Profile of Women in Santa Cruz County Jail
Women in Jail - Public Policy Institute of California
The Jail Healthcare Crisis - The New Yorker
Overlooked: Women and Jails in an Era of Reform
Commission Research and Policy
Why Maintain Relationships
Women's Incarceration. A Frequent Starting Point is Child Abuse
Prison Radio
The Value of Visits
A Shared Sentence
Booking and Facility Use Guidelines
Families Left Behind
How Trauma Impacts Memory
Prison Pipeline to Women's Preventative Health
Mental Health Crisis Facing Women in Prison - The Marshall Project
The Effects of Childhood Sexual Abuse on Mental Health
Hidden Consequences: The Impact of Incarceration on Dependent Children
8 Essential Tips for Law Enforcement to Safeguard Children of Arrested Parents
Children's Bill of Rights
What is Participatory Defense?
Prison Rape Elimination Act Training
The Language Project
The IF Project | Incarcerated Women Documentary | Logo
America Needs to Do More to Support Mothers in Prison
The Powerful Question Changing Everything for Cops and the People They Serve
Upholding the Dignity of Incarcerated Women
How Incarcerated Parents Are Losing Their Children Forever
The Other Family Separation: Prisoners Fight to Keep Their Children
Despite Class-action Settlement, Mental Healthcare Problems at CA Jail Persist
Who’s helping the 1.9 million women released from prisons and jails each year?
Restorative Justice Weighed as Alternative for Addressing Domestic Violence Disputes
Nowhere to Go: Homelessness among formerly incarcerated people
Defending Self-Defense: A Call to Action by Survived and Punished
Local News
Santa Cruz Local: Changes Ahead for Women in Jail, Courts
Pajaronian: Plan to Break the Cycle
KQED: Me Too Behind Bars
Second Chances
JAG Panel Podcast
Rent Relief
Rent Relief Esp