Understanding the Transition

from santacruzcounty.us to santacruzcountyca.gov

Go-live Date: September 1, 2023, at 5 PM

Why We're Making the Change

Trust and Authenticity

When you see a .gov at the end of a website URL or an email address, you can be sure you're interacting with an official U.S. government entity. In the age of information overload, the .gov top-level domain (TLD) makes it easy for you to identify trustworthy and accurate information without a second thought.

Enhanced Security Measures

The .gov TLD comes with advanced security features that are not commonly found in commercial domains. This includes multi-factor authentication for all accounts and preloading new domains to ensure a secure HTTPS connection, thereby safeguarding your privacy and data integrity.

What to Expect from the Transition

  1. New Email Addresses: Starting from September 1, 2023, all County employees will have email addresses ending in @santacruzcountyca.gov.
  2. Website Transition: Our website will transition to the new santacruzcountyca.gov domain. Please update your bookmarks and saved links.
  3. Smooth Transition: While the domain name is changing, the quality and scope of our services will remain the same.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding as we take this important step in enhancing your experience and security.