
Message as of the April 2, 2024, Proposed Budget publication date.

I am pleased to present the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Proposed Budget. The Proposed Budget makes prudent investments in Board priorities and follows sound financial practices allowing us to maintain the County’s reserves and excellent bond rating. These fiscally responsible practices have served us well and will help the County to navigate the fiscal challenges we face in the coming years.

Carlos J. Palacios
County Executive Officer

Read the complete CAO Budget Message

Economic Outlook

Message as of the April 2, 2024, Proposed Budget publication date.

The US economy projects healthy growth of 2.1% real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for 2024, a 4.0% median unemployment rate, and a 2.4% median inflation. The greatest risks to economic growth are the peaceful transfer of presidential power, the increasing frequency of climate disasters, and disruption due to artificial intelligence. 

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Budget Summary

Note: The Adopted Budget (9/30/24) included a final $1.404 billion Budget and a balanced $864.9 million General Fund. Remainder of this message was as of the April 2, 2024, Proposed Budget publication.

The $1.126 billion Proposed Budget includes a balanced $754.2 million General Fund that prioritizes sustaining existing commitments and capacity. The County faces significant financial constraints due to unreimbursed disaster costs and ongoing challenges with infrastructure repair and recovery.

The budget continues prudent financial practices, maintaining reserves at a 10.5% funded level and reflecting the County's commitment to fiscal stability, but concerns remain about the adequacy of reserves for future climate emergencies and economic downturns.

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Budget Policies & Resources

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