This map and dashboard show the current status of Santa Cruz County’s Phase II cleanup progress.
Using the Dashboard to Find the Status of your Property
You can search for the status of your parcel by clicking on the magnifying glass icon located in the upper right of the map area and typing the parcel APN or street address. The key to what is happening on your property can be found on the right side. The status correlates to a colored circle placed on the parcel or the fill color of the parcel. The progress of activity is listed in the order from the first step, ROE Received to the last step, Final Signoff Complete.
Note: Not all properties will be required to go through each status. For instance, not all parcels will need to have an asbestos removal or hazardous tree removal.
Getting your clearance
When the state has completed all activity on a parcel, they will officially notify the County that the work has been completed. At that time, the County will issue a clearance certificate to the parcel owners. When you are issued clearance by the county you can apply for a temporary or rebuilding permit.
How long will it take for the work to be completed?
Because timing for each status varies from property to property, we are unable to provide a timeline for when the state contractors will get to your property or when the next step will occur on your property. As described to those enrolled, the state process for debris removal at all parcels was expected to take 4-5 months. You can use the dashboard to check the status of your parcel.