Press Release
Health and Human Services Relocated
in Watsonville
Date: January 7, 2005
Due to yesterday’s fire at
the Wall Street Inn in Watsonville, County offices at 12 and 18 West Beach
Street are temporarily closed. The County offices had little damage, but will
need to be cleaned before they are re-occupied. In addition, the City of
Watsonville is requiring seismic bracing of the damaged hotel before County
employees can move back into their offices. The City, the County, and the
owners of the building are working cooperatively to ensure the safety of the
facility prior to reoccupation.
While the County offices are
closed, the following services can be accessed by phone:
Child Welfare Services: 763-8850
Adult Services: 763-8800
IHSS Public Authority or Registry: 454-5252
Adult and Children’s Mental Health: 763-8900
Children’s Medical Services (CCS, CHDP, and Lead
Prevention): 763-8900
The following services have been
moved to these locations:
IHSS time cards may be dropped off at the reception
desk at 119 W. Beach Street.
Adult Education Classes have been moved to the Porter
Building, at 280 Main Street.
CalWorks Cash Aid and Welfare to Work Services have
been moved to 119 W. Beach Street (763-6286).
EDD services, Career Center services, and National
Council on Aging services have been moved to 2045 40th Avenue in
Capitola (464-6286).
Youth Services paycheck distribution has been moved
to the Enterprise Community Office, at 215 Union Street, next to the Youth