Operations of the Santa Cruz County
Information Services Department
County Information Services Department (ISD) provides centralized automation,
telephone, printing and other support services to County departments to improve
productivity and service. The department is responsible for managing the
County’s wide-area network and operates and supports a broad range of data
processing applications for County departments including public safety
applications, which require twenty-four hours a day, seven days per week
report examines the use of personnel and financial resources to provide county
wide “information services/data processing”, which is a major sub-function of
the ISD. This report will discuss the appropriateness of the current hardware
and software architecture to support modern county operations.
Response: Santa Cruz County Board of
Supervisors AGREES
The County agrees with this finding, with the following clarification.
The current IBM mainframe is a model 9672, which was first introduced in
September 1996. This basic mainframe
architecture has been around for many years, but later models use increasingly
reliable and efficient components. ISD also supports new technology server
platforms to host many new applications.
Response: Santa Cruz County Board of
Supervisors AGREES
In addition, the Sheriff’s Jail Management and Records systems and the Court’s Civil system should be added to this list.
Response: Santa Cruz County Board of
Supervisors AGREES
Response: Santa Cruz County Board of
Supervisors AGREES
Response: Santa Cruz County Board of
Supervisors AGREES
The County agrees with this finding with the following clarification. Supporting details for the 2002-2003 budget year anticipated that costs for services, supplies and depreciation for mainframe hardware, software support and other services (excluding staff) would be $1,019,221. These costs for non-mainframe support (excluding staff) were anticipated to be $1,518,253.
Response: Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors
The County agrees with this finding with the following clarifications. Support for the mainframe requires
some percentage of time from 39 separate individuals. True costs for operators, systems software and network staff were
developed by estimating a percentage of total time each individual spends on
mainframe related work. This totaled $388,861.
Mainframe programming support costs were developed based on project time
actually recorded by programming staff. This totaled $1,096,930. Total mainframe staff support costs totaled
$1,485,561 for FY 2002-03.
Response: Santa Cruz County Board of
Supervisors AGREES
The County agrees with this finding with the following clarification. Supporting details for the 2002-2003 budget year anticipated that administrative staff overhead costs would be $117,700.
Response: Santa Cruz County Board of
Supervisors AGREES
The County agrees with this finding, with the clarification that the detail upon which the budget is based does identify anticipated mainframe expenditures.
Response: Santa Cruz County Board of
Supervisors AGREES
The County agrees with this finding, with the clarification that the department does have plans and timelines for converting several mainframe applications. New systems are underway in the Planning Department and the District Attorney’s office. Plans and timelines for the migration of the Courts and Human Resources Agency systems are underway, however, these efforts are largely impacted by statewide issues. The Sheriff’s Department also is in the process of implementing its technology plan that provides for mobile data computing (largely completed), a new message switch (underway), and a new records management system for patrol and detention (future).
Response: Santa Cruz County Board of
Supervisors AGREES
Response: Santa Cruz County Board of
Supervisors AGREES
The County agrees with this finding with the following clarification.
Even though COTS
solutions for local government applications exist, many would require extensive
customization to meet Santa Cruz County requirements.
Response: Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors
In the past, the County has selected Windows NT based servers to address business needs. However, it is not ISD’s policy to limit selection of solutions to one product type. Recently the County has deployed five newer servers using the Linux operating system.
Response: Santa Cruz County Board of
Supervisors AGREES
Response: Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors
ISD should consult with many solution vendors and hire a consulting firm to
facilitate the selection of and migration to current hardware and software
Response: Santa Cruz County Board of
This recommendation is being implemented. A preliminary assessment of mainframe costs has been initiated with a
planned completion date of December 2003. Once the assessment of the remaining
applications is complete, a plan for application migration will be developed.
The plan will tell us if outside expertise is required. Until the plan is
developed, the need for consulting with many solution vendors is not advisable.
ISD should discontinue any new development for mainframe applications and only
maintain those which are required for current operations.
Response: Santa Cruz County Board of
This recommendation has been implemented. ISD has not developed a new mainframe system in 10+ years. However, ISD
does implement requested maintenance changes and cost effective enhancements to
support mission critical systems still on the mainframe.
ISD should delineate the costs for supporting mainframe architectures in the
published Data Processing budget.
Response: Santa Cruz County Board of
This recommendation will not be implemented. ISD uses itemized mainframe support costs when developing the details
that go into the published budget. There is no budgetary reason to provide
these costs in the printed proposed budget, which are available for review if
ISD should use application requirements to drive the selection of new platform
Response: Santa Cruz County Board of
This recommendation has already been implemented. The current ISD policy is that no software solution, vendor, or
development will proceed without a thorough application requirements definition
process. The requirements and associated alternatives cost analysis will
determine the appropriate solution recommendation. Both COTS and development
alternatives will be considered.
ISD should develop formal 18 month and 5 year plans that detail the elimination
of the current mainframe hardware and software and the complete migration to
current vendor supplied solutions that do not require in house software
Response: Santa Cruz County Board of
This recommendation has been implemented. A preliminary assessment of mainframe costs has been initiated with a planned completion date of December 2003. Once the assessment of the remaining hardware and software is complete, the appropriate plan for application migration will be developed. The plan will tell ISD whether vendor software or development is the best solution.
Responses Required
Entity |
Findings |
Recommendations |
Within |
Cruz County Information Services Department |
1-14 |
1-5 |
90 Days (Sept. 30, 2003) |
of Supervisors of the County of Santa Cruz |
1-14 |
1-5 |
60 Days (Sept. 2, 2003) |
Board of Supervisors of the County of Santa Cruz responded for Santa Cruz
County Information Services Department.