February 2007


To the Citizens of Santa Cruz County,


The Grand Jury system has existed in every county of California since 1850.  Our mandate is to examine local governmental agencies and effect change by producing findings for areas of improvement and commendations for areas of excellence in public service.


The Santa Cruz County Grand Jury is independent and confidential in its investigations and deliberations.  Each year the Grand Jury issues a report of findings and encourages the reported agencies to respond with their plans of improvement.


This publication contains the Responses to the 2005-2006 Grand Jury Report.  The responses have been incorporated into the report for readability. 


This report is a collaborative document, which includes the citizens who voluntarily give of their time and talents in service through the Grand Jury, the county employees who work to provide supportive services to the members of the Grand Jury and the employees of local governmental agencies who help us in our investigative work. 


We wish to express gratitude to all who have given their energy and taken responsibility to help make local government more responsive and efficient in their service to the citizens of the county of Santa Cruz.





Yamindira KanagaSundaram,


2006-2007 Grand Jury of Santa Cruz County